Monday, June 25, 2012


We have a LONG way to go, before we can become anything like Chicago, Washington DC, or St.Pete's Downtown. But even so, there's something really cool about knowing that we will never be like any of those cities. Despite the sad reality that this is a brain drain city, there is so much incredible potential that hides within these sky scrapers, and outside the parameters of our citie's core. I'm trying my hardest to make the most out of living here. I have to keep reminding myself that despite the fact that so many awesome businesses, initiatives, people, and close friends that keep leaving, some of us have to stay. Some of us have to do what we can to make sure that this city continues to thrive. For a chapter of my life, this is where I am meant to be. I am not sure how long this chapter is, but I  do know that I must do whatever it takes to make every opportunity count.

I guess that's the beauty of living in Tampa. While we are not known for our cultural/arts scene, or for being a progressive city that takes sustainability seriously. For goodness sake, Tampa has deemed two national reputations:
1. Being one of the most dangerous cities to bike ride around
2. Being the strip club capital

However,there are opportunities to jump start the improvement of Tampa. For one thing, this city has a very rich history that all of us Tampa residents must begin exploring. There are countless people in this city that do crave seeing the arts come into full fruition here. There are activist, allies and scholars that are doing what they can to promote better and more sustainable living practices for others in this city. I've only been living here for four years, but I do know that slowly but surely, things are happening in the city: city council members and developers are starting to listen to the needs of the citizens of Tampa, our cries for better roads, safer routes and trails for bicyclists, community gardens, improved public transportation, more green spaces, and even more of the arts.I just wish things could happen sooner. 

Maybe, just maybe for this to happen sooner, more people have to step up, and become committed to doing their part(s) to see these dreams become realities: Grassroots power. With a grassroots perspective, I am more convinced on how vital it is for the renaissance of Tampa to include the needs of ALL of it's residents, regardless of race, INCOME, creed, sexual orientation, or citizenship status. Everyone deserves a say on what goes on here.

Part of me has this desire to peace out and move to Chicago, or DC. But when I meet members of my community that are so optimistic and passionate about working to improve Tampa, and staying to stick around to see these positive changes, something inside of me also wants to do the same. 

Until then... I'll be sticking around for a little bit longer.One day at a time...

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